The Perfect Will of God

This Woman Writes by Carolyn Henderson

The Perfect Will of God — have you heard of it?

While the Bible mentions God’s will, and that it’s perfect, the 21st century establishment definition of The Perfect Will of God really isn’t in the Bible, although many of us act as if it were so.

The Traveler inspirational charcoal drawing of vintage nostalgia woman in paris france by the Eiffel Tower by Steve Henderson“Which way should we go?” is a question we ask ourselves all the time, but reading the guidebook helps. The Traveler, charcoal drawing by Steve Henderson.

In short, our misguided reasoning looks like this:

God has a perfect, individualized plan for our lives, and achieving it depends upon us. If we do not listen to His voice, perfectly (have you heard His voice, audibly, lately, giving you step-by-step instructions for your day? Me neither), then we will make wrong choices, thereby causing us to MISS the perfect will of God and muddle through some lesser form of what our life could have been.

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